Thursday, December 27, 2007

new life...

today is thursday,
just a few days more,
will be going back to skol..
2 months are just too short for me,
and i've done nth in these two months.
xy is on the way to hk now,
to enjoy her last few holidays,
but me....
just let the time goes by,
and then,
start my skol life again.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Sunday, December 23, 2007


白羊座 妈妈经常叮嘱羊羊: '穿裙子时不可以荡秋千;不然,会被小男生看到里面的小内裤哦!' 有一天,羊羊高兴地对妈妈说:' 今天我和小明比赛荡秋千,我赢了! ' 妈妈生气地说: '不是告诉过你吗?穿裙子时不要荡秋千!' 羊羊骄傲地说:' 可是我好聪明哦!我把里面的小内裤脱掉了,这样他就看不到我的小内裤了! ' (勇敢直率、敢做敢为的白羊)

金牛座 卖瓜小贩:' 快来吃西瓜,不甜不要钱! ' 饥渴的牛牛: ' 哇!太好了,老板,来个不甜的! ' (持家、想出轨又顾全自己的金牛)

双子座 妈妈叫双双起床: ' 快点起来!公鸡都叫好几遍了!' 双双说: '公鸡叫和我有什么关系?我又不是母鸡! ' (自我意识强烈、自行思维的双子)

巨蟹座 公车上,蟹蟹说: ' 今晚我要和妈妈睡!' 妈妈问道: '你将来娶了媳妇也和妈妈睡阿? ' 蟹蟹不假思索:' 嗯!' 妈妈又问: '那你媳妇怎么办? ' 蟹蟹想了半天,说:' 好办,让她跟爸爸睡!' 妈妈: '!@#$%︿&*( ……—' 再看爸爸,已经热泪盈眶啦! (恋母情结、依恋的巨蟹)

狮子座 狮狮去参加奶奶的寿宴。到了吃寿包的时候,狮狮问:' 我们为什么要吃这种像屁股的寿包?' 众人听了脸色大变。 接著狮狮拨开寿包,看看里面的豆沙,说: ' 奶奶,快看!里面还有大便! ' 众人晕的晕,吐的吐。 (以自我感受、不怕旁人眼光的骄傲的狮子)

处女座 处处对肚脐很好奇,就问爸爸。 爸爸把脐带连著胎儿与母体的道理简单地讲了一下,说:' 婴儿离开母体之后,医生把脐带减断,并打了一个结,後来就成了肚脐。 ' 处处: '那医生为什么不打个蝴蝶结? ' (好奇心强又追求完美的处女)

天秤座 父亲对天天说:' 今天不要上学了,昨晚...你妈给你生了两个弟弟。你给老师说一下就行了。' 天天却回答: '爸爸,我只说生了一个;另一个,我想留著下星期不想上时再说! ' (聪明、权衡利弊的天平)

天蠍座 蠍蠍刚睡著,就叫蚊子叮了一口。 他起来赶蚊子,却怎么也赶不出去。没法,便指著蚊子说: '好吧,你不出去我出去!' 边说边出了房间,把门使劲关严得意地说:' 哼!我今晚不进屋,非把你饿死不可!' (搞不懂、不按常理出牌的天蝎)

射手座 射射:' 爸爸,为什么你有那么多白头发?' 爸爸: '因为你不乖,所以爸爸有好多白头发阿。' 射射:…… (疑惑中) 射射: '那为什么爷爷全部都是白头发?' 爸爸:!@#$%︿&*(…… (喜欢思考的射手)

摩羯座 一天,羯羯跟妈妈上街;走在路上,突然下起雨来。 妈妈拉过羯羯的小手,说:'下雨了,快往前跑阿! ' 羯羯慢条斯理地问:' 那前面就不下雨喽!?' (明白现实懒得改变的摩羯)

水瓶座 瓶瓶问妈妈:' 问什么称蒋先生为『先人』?' 妈妈说: '因为 ' 先人' 是对死去的人的称呼。 ' 瓶瓶说: '那去世的奶奶是不是要叫『鲜奶』?' (天生的另类、脑筋思考永远和常人不一样的水瓶)

双鱼座 爸爸给鱼鱼讲小时候经常挨饿的事。 听完後,鱼鱼两眼含泪,十分同情地问:' 哦,爸爸,你是因为没饭吃才来我们家的吗?' (富含丰富同情心、不分情况对象的双鱼)

Saturday, December 22, 2007


yesterday was my uncle's BIG day,
all of us had attended his wedding,
in the morning,
there was a 斟茶仪式,
it is something that MUST DO between those adults,
so we just stood there and watch it.
it was a simple ceremony filled with happiness
and we all enjoy it very much.

while at night,
we went to 喜来登in Puchong to have dinner.
the dish wasn't bad but just ok,
but the prown really made me in trouble,
my shirt and my pants,
had the smell of 'curry' all the time.
thanks to my cousins,
danny and siew fang
for treating me well last night.

long time no see them,
and my two cousin brothers
really become yeng ad.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

我們的紀念 - 李雅微

數不盡的淚 我又哭了好幾回
幻化成蝶 停留在這片落葉
被風化的雪 埋藏在千年以前

回憶 漸漸凋謝落在我身邊

誰能發現我的世界 曾經有過你的臉


22122007-wish you 冬至快乐 and congrat to my uncle for being a bridegroom today!!

25122007-wish you a merry christmas and happy burfday to me 1 month after this.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007




Monday, December 17, 2007

First Asian Idol-Hady Mirza

Last night was the Asian Idol result show, i took a deep breathe moments before the result came out. I guessed that Mike is the winner coz i thought Indonesia is a big country flooded by people, and the competition was hosting there also. However, still hoped that Jaclyn can make a miracle. Well, the result had announced, and it is really a miracle, coz the winner is Singapore Idol, Hady Mirza. From his expression, he couldn't believe the result too.

I mean, it is not that he is not good enough, as he is the Singapore Idol, but if comparing all the performance that night, i think that Jac is better than him. Perhaps is because he has the package, good-looking, young, and nice tone although it is not as powerful as Jac's or Mike's. This is what we called commercial value.

Anyway, all the best to him, and i really like the part he was performing with Jac.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone,
enjoy it.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

highly recommended song

You’re in my arms
And all the world is calm
The music playing on for only two
So close together
And when I’m with you
So close to feeling alive

A life goes by
Romantic dreams will stop
So I bid mine goodbye and never knew
So close was waiting, waiting here with you
And now forever I know
All that I wanted to hold you
So close

So close to reaching that famous happy end
Almost believing this was not pretend
And now you’re beside me and look how far we’ve come
So far we are so close

How could I face the faceless days
If I should lose you now?
We’re so close
To reaching that famous happy end
And almost believing this was not pretend
Let’s go on dreaming for we know we are
So close
So close
And still so far

Thursday, December 13, 2007

What a wonderful day


Today is a wonderful day,
absolutely WONDERFUL,
besides my new com is going to arrive within 30 minutes,
i met GPC at school too!!!
At first decided to go to school is bcoz of ccs,
our truly pro in ban yeng's coach,
but then he absent,
an guess what,
he asked gpc to relief!!!
He teached us some self-defence knowledge,
by demo-ing in front of us,
and we gotta chance to practice with him too!!!
and lastly,
we took photos together!!!!
shuang dao!!!!
Words cannot describe my feelings and happiness,
but to describe him,
no matter is his height, looking, or his attitude.

P/S: My heart is still with my lovely pam pam.

Monday, December 10, 2007


Yo, long time no see ad guys! Yesterday went to PWTC with my family, there was something like a fair that i would like to call it as college/uni fair. I went there before when i was small and the place was flooded by people that time. Luckily this time the amount of people is not as much as last time, i could still moving here and there by myself but not with the pushing of the crowd. Many colleges and unis set their counter there to promote and to get newbies for their school.

Well, i was not interested in this, of course. What i was interested is those paper bags that they used to put in the advertisement materials and then give it to the...customers i think. I've got many nice paper bags with note books, bookmarks and so on, hahaha! While those advertisement papers...will be ready to recycle.

There was a baking school selling cakes there beside getting newbies. What i like was they let the people to try their cakes, and you can just eat as much as you want.(Just ignore ppl staring at you bcoz you are the customer) Then i saw a boy taking those advertisement papers to read, but his father said to him,"You ar, fry an egg also cannot, still bake." Maybe baking is easier than frying an egg, who knows?

After walking rounds and rounds, i left there and went to The Mall for McDonald. My fist time crossing the road by ignoring the traffic light(is that call traffic light?)as my father said this is Malaysian's style.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

hypocrite*zha dao

Today is Saturday.
Tomolo is Sunday ad,
but i still havent answer xin yee
whether i'll follow pro gang to sunway or not.
coz yesterday really 'zha dao' by my mum,
i had not read d message,
my mum oledi did it.
where's privacy huh???
but then she asked me how i answer xy.
i said i need to ask for the details first.
she said...
"if want to go ar, go by 16/12 la, that day ur bro wanna go for sunway college's open day ma."
the food u cook today,
just eat after abt half of a month....
and as she talked like that,
i get it.
means i'm not allow to go...
den ask for my opinion for wat...
so hypocrite...